AI is already taking our jobs: programmers are the first
Many AI evangelists have been warning us that AI will take our jobs, but I never thought this could impact us, the programmers.
Thoughts on what I learn
Many AI evangelists have been warning us that AI will take our jobs, but I never thought this could impact us, the programmers.
Started learning Neural Networks in my free time.
I've been dealing with a huuuge task in the last 3 weeks, that has nearly taken all my time. The quest was: let's try to shrink the release time of a particular project to *something deterministic*. How to do that? We need to understand the process in order to get to the bottom of it.
For fun and learning, I developed a class that behaves like a dict and an object. Let's see how it works
it happened that I came back. In the industry, not in the previous company!
Installing ruby is always a pain, here i try to share what worked for me with asdf
Monorepos have been gaining a lot of traction recently, mostly because people at uber-massive companies are using it, like Google and Amazon. But, can this concept be applied to small startups? Why? And most importantly, what are monorepos? Let's try to answer all these questions.
If you need to connect a bunch of devices in the same virtual network, Tailscale is the tool for you. Let's explore why it stands out from other VPNs.
WRK is a stress test tool: with few configuration options, you can stress test your server against a high load. In this article, I describe how I used it to simulate a bug that appeared only on high loads.
Fullstack developers are always looking for tools that can help us build applications faster. Appsmith is a tool that allows to do exactly that, with limitations of course. Let's dive in.
Il sogno erotico di qualunque persona del Sud è di mettere sulla mappa il proprio paesino di provenienza, ad esempio realizzando qualcosa di grosso. A Pignola (Potenza) ci sono riusciti.
My last four years have been incredible, on a professional side. I think it's the right time to recap what happened and how it went.
I've used several note-taking apps and now I am experimenting with LogSeq.
a link to a great article on how wine works.
Siamo considerati hacker, intelligenti ma allo stesso tempo stupidi, disconnessi dalla realtà, con uno scarso uso della logica che abbiamo addirittura studiato, e siamo attratti da qualunque cosa abbia chip e silicio. Ma è davvero così?
We all would like to read more books, exercise more or simply get better habits. But what is preventing us from doing them? In this article I explain how we can better schedule our tasks in order to fix our life.
Basically, ignore whatever its written on their support site and follow my advice...
Ha fatto bene Musk a richiamare i dipendenti in ufficio? E soprattutto, dovrei copiare le sue mosse?
Recently I started asking questions to myself about how DNS works. In a very slim article, I try to recap all the important details that I forgot.
in this post I'll explain how to create a collection from a folder, how to use slugify in tags page, and how to create a page containing all tags ordered alphabetically
After much work I redesigned and rearchitectured my blog using 11ty static site generator.
I'm going to rebuild this blog from Jekyll to 11ty. In this article I'll try to explain why.
Company tend to hire people that already knows the technologies they use; devs tend to stick in teams they love to work with. Is there space for fixing the hiring problem?
You want to know the best skill for a remote worker? Without any doubt, it's the ability to write clearly.
For one of our latest projects we evaluated many frontend frameworks, and this discussion went on for months before taking the decision to, well, not choose a frontend framework. What happened?
Do you find that git log is a bit too verbose for your standards? With this alias you'll see it improved!
In theory moving from Google Photos to Synology is easy. In practice it requires many steps. Here's what worked for me.
Dopo un anno e mezzo di pandemia, molte aziende si stanno riorganizzando per ritornare in ufficio. Ma molti dipendenti non vogliono rinunciare al remote working e stanno pensando di licenziarsi.
One of the most important meetings, that the majority of us has never done, it's the 1:1 meeting: a common practice in US companies.
JS Headless Playlist Player is a javascript library that implements the logic of a playlist player. You provide the graphics the way you want and call the API to play music.
Clickhouse is a very fast database for big data with some peculiar characteristics.
Hai mai pensato di fare il tuo lavoro senza poter vedere? Un mio amico sta attraversando esattamente questo e voglio raccontarvi la sua storia.
an How To that tries to write what the official guide omits
In this interview, Weber Amaral - from DislexiaVisual.com - explains the issues of being a developer with a progressive sight disease.
What is a MVC Framework, why it exists, how it works.
From the creator of XKCD, a book full of science, psychology, fun, and drawings.
Using the Go programming language, i'll explain some basic features of the language with this simple Hello World program.
In the linked video, you'll see how wave files are made and how to generate one from nodejs.
I wrote my first Visual Studio Code extension out of need, and I learned many things along the way.
Non fraintendetemi, non mi piaceva mica il traffico o il tempo perso per raggiungere l'ufficio, o il capo spocchioso. A me piaceva proprio conversare con i miei colleghi.
Let me show how easy it is to write an https server with nodejs and express.
How this coronavirus affected my life full of things to do.
Trying to cover a hole in my learning on quarantine
what is a complex system? why we study them, and what can they teach us?
I sold my old 15" laptop and I bought the Microsoft Surface Go tablet. The conclusions are... unexpected
a review of the phoenix project, and how devops saved a company enhancing their business.
What is good, and what is wrong, in pair programming? And in Merge Requests (or Pull Requests, in github name)?
customers represent the best resource of every company, but do we really care about them? Here's an interesting insight of my work experience.
In more than 15 years I've used Ubuntu, windows and mac as my desktop workstation. Here's the best way to use enjoy Linux to become a better developer!
header bidding, DFP, GAM, cpm ... welcome in the world of ads, where everything is an acronym. Le me try to explain how everything works under the hood.
Jest and Puppeteer are two great tools. Together they can satisfy a lot of needs. Testing simple JS is easy, testing complex async scenarios is super hard: by learning these two tools you'll get test superpowers to use in your projects!
Var is deprecated; let and const are introduced with es6. Let's see how to use them
How to check if a URL is not working just for us or globally?
Here's a little guide on how to setup a project with Typescript, Babel, Webpack and ESLint.
Typescript does not have sane defaults and I had to experiment a lot before finding the right set of options for my projects. Here's a discussion about module, target, outDir, moduleResolution, lib, etc
Do you love meetings? Probably not. However, after some time I started to "appreciate" them. Here's why
SSH is one of the fundamental tools you must master to become a successful developer. In this article we'll talk about using it for advanced configurations, like logging to remote server without password, configuring a tunnel, monitoring ssh connections
Webpack is the king of the bundlers now, but Browserify is the former ruler: what's the difference? What made webpack the default choice?
The command queue pattern allows you to give commands to your library, even if it has still not been loaded. This technique is widely used in advertising.
Typescript: the good, the bad, the deprecated ?
New job in Zurich! Partially remote but still flying to Zurich from time to time.
Starting from 2006, what is changed to the web plaftorm, what we have now and where are we going. Should we leave all the web to only one browser?
I wrote a little browser npm utility just for fun, but the process from code to npm is not so straightforward. Let's have a look at all my mistakes and discoveries.
Usually in software engineering world we talk about programming and not about the people behind it. Let's start a new path talking about Nicholas Zakas, the author of ESLint!
Let's have a look at generator functions in JS.
A docker cheatsheet with stuff I learn on the job
Qual è la differenza tra Ruby on Rails e NodeJS? RoR è un framework per creare webapp, mentre NodeJS è principalmente un environment lato server. Ha senso imparare RoR oggi?
NodeJS was the first environment to offer a way to read files and organize code in modules, thanks to the require() function. But how does it work? Let's have a look.
A nice to know feature, good for impressing others
Let's have a look at Symbols and iterators in Javascript.
Features that are very handy in Object Oriended Javascript: getters & setters, and static methods.
Una brevissima descrizione del testing manuale vs testing automatico.
A Laravel-style configuration sytem for NodeJS.
What makes great a product? The features, the ease of use, and obviously all of this must be explained in a great documentation: one of my jobs.
Perchè la gente vuole lavorare da remoto? Non solo il tempo o i soldi sono il fattore principale; se l'ambiente di lavoro fosse accogliente, le persone si sveglierebbero al mattino felici di venire a lavorare!
let's find how to find files read by a linux process. It's super easy!
Dietro ai font che utilizziamo quotidianamente c'è un mondo fatto di tipografi e tipografie, e una storia vecchia di 500 anni. Scopriamola con questo libro!
Helmet è un middleware che agganci ad Express e la tua app è immediatamente più sicura.
Cos'é uno Startup Weekend, cosa si impara e come? Un evento che consiglio a tutti, in cui si impara a diventare imprenditori di sé stessi.
Da ieri sera sono tornato alla carta, con l'obiettivo di trovare una strategia per finire i due libri digitali e non comprarne mai più.
Qualche considerazione sparsa sul tempo libero di un programmatore.
Come inviare dati da un form esterno a MagNews? Qui una guida "a futura memoria".
Consigli per i neolaureati: come redigere il CV, come trovare stage, evitando gli errori classici
Impressioni su React dopo un mese di lavoro.
come si aggiornano gli informatici salernitani? Cosa ne pensano dei corsi di formazione? In questo articolo analizzeremo i risultati di un nostro sondaggio.
If you own a Windows PC and writing backticks, tildes and other special characters is a pain, this article si for you.
Perchè per l'asta dei diritti televisivi si usa un'asta di secondo prezzo? E perchè la green card è una lottera? Analizziamo questi metodi da un punto di vista informatico.
Il Test Driven Development porta a un aumento della qualità del codice scritto, ma nella vita reale aumenta i tempi di sviluppo e porta a qualche compromesso.
Quali saranno i prossimi trend JS del 2018? Ripartiamo dalle buzzword del 2017.
Rispondo alla domanda di uno studente, preoccupato perchè usa librerie di cui non conosce come sono fatte internamente. Dobbiamo reinventare la ruota ogni volta? O fare come Elon Musk?
Rispondo alla domanda di un giovane studente: si può vivere di programmi fatti da sè? Dove trovare l'ispirazione?
A super brief description of what is VueJS, and how easy it is to get in.
Chiunque dovrebbe fare l'Erasmus. Anche chi non va all'università. Specialmente chi è fidanzato/a. Specialmente chi ha paura. Tutti
VueJS è uno dei front-end framework che sta provando a guadagnarsi uno po' di spazio: dalla sua ha la velocità e la semplicità.
La storia che sto per raccontarvi riguarda uno degli aspetti più mitologici dell'informatica intera: il Comic Sans, il carattere più odiato in assoluto, ma allo stesso tempo uno dei più usati al mondo.
In quest'intervista Raffale ci parla del Growth Hacking e delle sue connessioni con il mondo degli sviluppatori.
Scienziati di fama internazionale credono che viviamo in una simulazione, ma un esperimento potrebbe aver finalmente provato che non è così.
Il racconto di una bellissima vacanza in Val D'Aosta con una neonata: non è una vacanza per pigroni
Codice Montemagno, un libro di Marco Monty Montemagno, ci parla di come è cambiato il mondo della comunicazione e come sopravvivere al cambiamento.
Siete generalisti o specialisti? In questo articolo proviamo a scoprire cosa conviene fare alle aziende in base al loro ciclo di vita.