Michele Nasti

Thoughts on what I learn

Symbols & Iterators in Javascript

ES6 introduced the new for ... of syntax to iterate a collection. Did you know? And how does it work?

const arr = ['banana', 'apple', 'orange']

for (const fruit of arr) {
// -> banana
// -> apple
// -> orange

How does it work

What you are seeing is a syntax that iterates on an iterator, a common concept in other languages but fairly new in Javascript.

Basically, if an object has an iterator you can use the for...of syntax to iterate on it.

How do we create an iterator?

To create iterators, we must provide a new property in our object called Symbol.iterator. ...what ?

What is a Symbol

a Symbol is a javascript function that returns a value that is guaranteed to be unique.

const helloSymbol = Symbol('hello')

They accept names, to be easily recognized and debugged, but if you create two symbols with the same name, they are not equal:

const helloSymbol2 = Symbol('hello')
console.log(helloSymbol === helloSymbol2)
/// -> false

Why do we need symbols?

First, I've seen a similar concept in other languages, like Ruby. They are useful to define properties (or functions) that are shared across different types of objects. You could use symbols to uniquely identify properties in your maps, for example.

There is one symbol that has been already created by the Javascript runtime, and it's called Symbol.iterator. **If an object has a property named Symbol.iterator, it is iterable.

How do we create an Iterator for our objects

To create an iterator the first thing to do is to attach the property:

class Example {
[Symbol.iterator]() {

As you can see, this is a legitimate name for a property. Infact, allowed names for properties are strings and symbols.

The only caveat is that we have to use the square brackets to define the property name, since it is an object.

The iterator must return a function that returns an object, containing a next() function.

This next() function, in turn, returns an object with two properties, value (the actual element of the iteration) and done (set to true when the iteration has ended).



Do you remember the Group class we designed in the last article? Basically it is a Set object with another name. It holds just one copy for every object (duplicates are not allowed) and we use a simple array to store data inside. Let's write an iterator for it!

const Group {
[Symbol.iterator]() {
// a reference of internal elements...
const elements = this.elements;
if (elements.length === 0) return;
//the index we'll use to track the next element to return
let i=-1;
return {
//we return a next() function that will be called many times,
//once for every element in the Group
next() {
//the next function returns an object with two properties
return {
//in value we store the actual element we're returning
value: elements[i],
// if true, the iteration stops
done: i === elements.length ? true : false

//Some tests!
// You find the code for the Group class in the previous article ;)
for (let value of Group.from(["a", "b", "c"])) {
// → a
// → b
// → c

....And this is how we create iterable objects in Javascript.

Easy, isn't it?

Just to let you know, (don't know if it's useful..) String is iterable, so you can write this:

const hello = "Hello" 
for (const letter of hello) {
// -> H
// -> e
// -> l
// -> l
// -> o

See you in the next iteration!