What is the difference between var, let and const in Javascript
Var is deprecated; let and const are introduced with es6. Let's see how to use them
Thoughts on what I learn
Var is deprecated; let and const are introduced with es6. Let's see how to use them
How to check if a URL is not working just for us or globally?
Here's a little guide on how to setup a project with Typescript, Babel, Webpack and ESLint.
Typescript does not have sane defaults and I had to experiment a lot before finding the right set of options for my projects. Here's a discussion about module, target, outDir, moduleResolution, lib, etc
Do you love meetings? Probably not. However, after some time I started to "appreciate" them. Here's why
SSH is one of the fundamental tools you must master to become a successful developer. In this article we'll talk about using it for advanced configurations, like logging to remote server without password, configuring a tunnel, monitoring ssh connections
Webpack is the king of the bundlers now, but Browserify is the former ruler: what's the difference? What made webpack the default choice?
The command queue pattern allows you to give commands to your library, even if it has still not been loaded. This technique is widely used in advertising.
Typescript: the good, the bad, the deprecated ?
New job in Zurich! Partially remote but still flying to Zurich from time to time.