Michele Nasti

Thoughts on what I learn

Javascript: call functions without using parentheses (what?!)

Let's dig in a not-well-publicized ES6 feature: calling functions without using parentheses.

If you are familiar with Ruby, you know that in Ruby you can omit parentheses when they're not ambiguous:

puts 'hello world' 
puts('hello world')
//-> same result!

But we're in javascript and this is not allowed. Uhm... in some forms it IS allowed!

How I've discovered this: SQORN

In my search for new libraries, I found SQORN library. Sqorn allows you to write sql queries in nodejs.

What captured my attention is the way Sqorn is intended to be used:

const sq = require('sqorn-pg')()
const kid = sq.from`person`.where`age < 13`

What's happening here?! Where are parentheses? Is this javascript after all?

Template strings

You should already know the newest way of declaring a string in JS, like this:

const str = `this is a string!`

And it is very useful because you can interpolate values inside, witouth concatenating:

var name = 'Michele';
var helloES5 = "Hello, " + name;
const helloES6 = `Hello ${name}`;

Imagine you have to concatenate 6-7 items in the same sentence... You'll agree the ES6 version is clearer ;)

The nice part of this string declaration is that you can pass strings as arguments to functions without parentheses:

function hello(name) {
console.log(`How are you ${name}`);

// The convention is to write the string right
// after the function name...
//-> How are you Michele

//...but you can put a space too
hello `Michele `
//-> How are you Michele

This syntax doesn't work with ' or ":

hello 'Michele'
//-> SyntaxError: unexpected token: string literal

More power to string templates!

Studying this syntax I discovered intresting features. For example, functions can extract the variables (ones in ${...}) from the template string:

var a = 5;
var b = 10;

function tag(strings, ...values) {
console.log(strings[0]); // "Hello "
console.log(strings[1]); // " World "
console.log(values[0]); // 15
console.log(values[1]); // 50

return "Bazinga!";

tag`Hello ${ a + b } World ${ a * b }`;
// "Bazinga!"


This stuff is pretty nice but it is a bit obscure. Infact, apart from SQORN, I've never seen this syntax used elsewhere. It's a nice-to-know feature, good for impressing others, but my suggestion is to use this only if it's the clearest way to express your concepts.