Why prehistory is fascinating me so much
There is something that I am very curious about, let's say I am a nerd about: prehistory.
Thoughts on what I learn
There is something that I am very curious about, let's say I am a nerd about: prehistory.
in this post I'll explain what has worked for me to fix Visual Studio Code to work with Python, poetry, virtualenvs, to find the right imports and how to configure black and isort correctly.
Many AI evangelists have been warning us that AI will take our jobs, but I never thought this could impact us, the programmers.
Started learning Neural Networks in my free time.
I've been dealing with a huuuge task in the last 3 weeks, that has nearly taken all my time. The quest was: let's try to shrink the release time of a particular project to *something deterministic*. How to do that? We need to understand the process in order to get to the bottom of it.
For fun and learning, I developed a class that behaves like a dict and an object. Let's see how it works
it happened that I came back. In the industry, not in the previous company!
Installing ruby is always a pain, here i try to share what worked for me with asdf
Monorepos have been gaining a lot of traction recently, mostly because people at uber-massive companies are using it, like Google and Amazon. But, can this concept be applied to small startups? Why? And most importantly, what are monorepos? Let's try to answer all these questions.
If you need to connect a bunch of devices in the same virtual network, Tailscale is the tool for you. Let's explore why it stands out from other VPNs.